
The conference will be virtual on the European GNU Radio Days You Tube channel , so that this page has become obsolete.


Address: Faculté desSciences Département EEA,Bât. SP2MI - Téléport 2, 11 Bvd Marie et Pierre Curie, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil, France

Openstreemaps link (be aware that the Futuroscope site is NOT downtown Poitiers !)

The Futuroscope site can be reached by train directly or through Poitiers from the Paris-Montparnasse train station in about 2h

Lodging: the nearby theme park Futuroscope is popular in summer and hotels might be booked by tourists as well.

Hotel Plaza is nearest (but not the cheapest ! 4 stars). From there you can make your selection on any online reservation site: Premiere Class (one star), Ludoscope, Campanile (3 stars), Hotel du Parc Pirates (1 star), Kyriad (2 tars), Ibis/Futuroscope (3 stars), Mercure/Futuroscope (4 stars) are all at walking distance from the university site where the conference will be held.

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